Insight Denver

Insight Denver serves the vibrant and growing Insight Meditation community by offering meditation meetings, non-residential retreats and community events. We meet weekly on Sunday nights from 6:00 – 8:00pm at First Baptist Church of Denver, located at 1373 Grant St (View Map). A typical meeting structure consists of a 30-40 minute guided meditation, a social break, Dharma-related announcements, a Dharma talk, and group discussion.

We are also hosting Thursday evening Zoom practice check-ins, beginning 2/6 from 6-6:45pm. The format will be 25 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of Q&A / discussion. We will send out more information through our email list in the days leading up the 2/6.

Please email for more information.

Please see our speaker schedule for a list of upcoming Dharma talks.

Insight Meditation, known as Vipassanā (pronounced “vi-PAH-sa-na”) in the Pali scriptural language of early Buddhism, is a style of meditation based on ancient Buddhist texts. Beginning by focusing attention on the breath, the body, or other sensory experiences, the practice collects and calms the mind. This practice develops clear seeing of the mind’s nature and conditioning, which allows grasping, judgment, fear, stress, and suffering to fall away. Beautiful qualities such as compassion, equanimity, wisdom, joy, and moral integrity are naturally cultivated as the practice develops. The ultimate aim is the discovery of an unconditioned and complete freedom of heart and mind that we can integrate into our everyday lives.

Vipassanā presentation through Insight Denver is non-sectarian, although the ethics, traditions, and philosophy of early Buddhism are included for guidance.